Feeling low or disgruntled does not make you a failure. Feeling unhappy or dissatisfied does not make you ungrateful. Feeling like you want to give up and throw in the towel does not make you a looser. As a matter of fact feeling like this is part of being human (believe it or not). You are going to feel like quitting that mundane job, or giving up at the hurdle of your dreams, it’s inevitable. The decision lies in your hands and no one can make the decision for you, simultaneously you are responsible for the work that goes into making your vision board a reality.
You and I both know that rough roads often lead to beautiful destinations. Whoever it is that you have chosen to look up to or be inspired by, look deeper into their life and you’ll see that they didn’t get there by overnight success – it was a journey!! Most people who are deemed successful will tell you that they did everything that it took to get them to where they are now.
Before planes came into function, everyone was travelling by road or sea, can you imagine doing that today. I’m not taking beautiful yachts or exquisite ships, I’m talking rough boats that reminded you that you were in deep water and if anything went wrong you would be sinking pretty quickly.
Welcome to the journey of self discovery – everyday is an opportunity to keep going or to give up. The decision lies in your hands.
Back to planes – who knows there might even be a future invention that makes travelling by plane an ancient means of transport. The discovery process is continuing as we speak. The same goes for you and me, the endless learning of self is one of the most challenging yet fulfilling journey’s ever!

Top tips Tuesday:
Don’t loose sight of where you are going, you can’t get to your destination if you don’t know what it looks like (to you). Don't look at anyone else's life/journey as the benchmark - keep your eyes o you.
Don’t focus on how success looks to other people, focus on how success looks to you. Success looks different to everyone and you need to remind yourself of what success looks like to you.
Don’t be too hard on yourself, if you need a break REST but don’t quit.
Be honest with yourself, if you look at unrealistic ‘Insta’ goals then you might have set yourself up for failure already. You need to be honest with yourself about your life, your set up, your family, your relationships etc
Last but not least OWN YOUR JOURNEY, this journey is yours. You’ve been chosen to walk along the path and as you do! Own everything about the journey…psalm 139:16 all the days ordained for me were written in your book before one of them came to be.
So here is your Tuesday reminder that you are not a failure! You are on a journey through life and you will make it to that beautiful destination, however you will have to take some rough roads to get there.

Be all that God has called you to be!!