So today, I want to talk about hitting the refresh button and i'm not talking about a computer or laptop, i'm talking about your life.
This is so key!
Have you hit your refresh button recently. You might think it's too early to hit refresh because we are only in February! Well you can hit refresh whenever you feel like it, whenever you feel the need to get new ideas, new inspiration or when things just seem like it's all too cluttered. If you don't have a clear mind then you will achieve very little.
Taking the time to refresh will allow you to see your situation from a new perspective and will give you a fresh understanding of how to deal with whatever it is you are going through.
A close friend of mine said this the other day
'...Pause and take a look back and appreciate what you've been able to do so far'
We don't do this enough, we are constantly looking at the next big mountain to climb and the next thing and the next thing and the next.
Don't run yourself into the ground by being unaware that you need to hit that refresh button. Give yourself time to pause and look deep into everything that is happening around you, you don't necessarily need to take a holiday but you definitely need to pause and refresh.
When you refresh it allows you to take on a new stance . I am not talking about what happens when we go to sleep, this refresh needs to be done when you are awake and active. Take that well deserved time for you to get refreshed.
e.g You know when you are in a seminar or class and they bombard you with so much information that your eyes begin to dry out, then someone says - it's time to take a break and have some refreshments. All of a sudden when you go back to the seminar/class, you feel like you can actually take in the information and digest it. That's the same with life...Hit Refresh!
Check out some inspiring words from Jusnah Gadi below - Founder of Young Music Boss, Young Music Boss is a resource hub and network building tool for young music entrepreneurs and creatives. At the heart of YMB is the desire to empower young professionals through our online content, events, educational tools and consultancy services focusing on legal and business affairs.
Jusnah says: Going through life is a very unique experience for each individual, what is common however, is challenges. No matter who we are, we all face challenges, that isn't unique, what is unique is how we overcome them, how we take those tragedies, losses, obstacles and turn them into triumphs. I am often asked "what is one piece of advise you would give to someone wanting to be an entrepreneur?" and as cliche as it may be I always say "get started and keep going". More important than talent or intellect, I think is resilience , you must be persistent and resilient in your pursuits, no matter what path you choose don't allow a downturn to deter you, let it be your fuel.
Hit that refresh button guys!